Many people write these blog postings. All of us belong to a group called SLY (St. Luke Youth) and we are on a mission. Our mission took us to the city in the middle of the desert where there are a lot of homeless people. Our group is going to try and make their lives a little bit better. We think that our friends, family and other people out there should hear the stories of these people, and how they have changed our lives forever. Here is our story.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It is sooo great to have a group like SLY...

Going into this trip, I was excited to learn new things, get a new look on life, and hopefully become more inspired than EVER before.

Even though we are in a new place that is unfamiliar to our regular lifestyles, we have adapted to the changes in weather, people, hospitality, and in general the way that people live here. It is verrrry different from what you would see in Portland, Oregon. For example, I was completely blown away by how many casinos there were in just one city!!! We’ve seen some crazy stuff.

A lot has been funnn, but we have done farrr more work than I ever thought we could have done. Yesterday, working at Three Square was a real different way to look at things. We worked from 9:00 am-12 pm and then again from 1 pm-4 pm. Although it seems like a lot of time, knowing what we were doing and experiencing the cooperation and commitment to helping others really made it go by fast.

Throughout this trip, I think I have become wayyy closer with everyone in the group. I have learned things about different people that I never knew before. For instance, I don’t think I had ever had a conversation with Stephanie before. But yesterday, when I was having a realllly hard time, she was there, and she told me that everything was going to be okay. Also, I have discovered so much through our devotions. I think that Bryan is the one that has realllly inspired me so far. He works hard to make his way and be himself, and when he gets put down, he gets right back up. When we were talking about stereotypes yesterday, many different questions came up: What do you think of stereotypes? Good or Bad? What stereotypes do you give your friends…adults? The question that hit me the hardest was: What stereotypes are you under, and how do you deal with them?

My answer was difficult. But as I thought about it, I decided that you can change the way people look at you. You can be whatever you want to be. I opened up yesterday about this…and there were some times where I couldn’t explain how I felt; but I realized that it is sooo great to have a group like SLY to come to and have no judgment. I’m just happy to have a group that is so open and accepting of EVERY possible stereotype that wants to join our group. No judgment. Just looking at them as they are, and seeing past anything that has been a barrier in their life.

This trip has been an eye opener for all of us, and I am veerry happy that I am accepted into a family like this.

~Megan P :]]

1 comment:

  1. Greaaaaat thoughts, Megan. Here is a question for you. Is it that you "caaaaan be whatever you want to be" or is it you can tryyyyyy to be what you want to be or worrrrrrrrrrrrk on what you want to be? Isn't one of the great insights Jesus gives us is that we can "be" in terms of love and giving and sharing and receiving, while out exploring all of the options available to us. What a greaaaaaat time in history to be young. You can explore alllllll that you want in terms of whoooooo you will be career wise/job wise (some say due to changes in technology and stuff you'll have several careers in your life (the car ended it for buggy whip makers, the tape did in the record makers, and whole jobs and careers are created and replace others, and yet at the base you have who you arrrrrre as Christians in love. In Las Vegas you are not playing church, you are being the church, you are demonstrating the liberation that coms from the freedoms granted in the Sermon on the Mount. In Law Vegas, you are on that Mount. People are seeing Jesus in you.
